Sou pai de segunda viagem, mas o fascínio é o mesmo. Como é bela a evolução de um neném de três meses e meio! A cada dia, em cada gesto, olhar ou balbucio, Bruno vai se dando conta da maravilha de viver. E o papai babão fica abobalhado, "guti-guti, tico-tico". Olha o que diz o Babycenter esta semana:
You can't see it happening, but the areas in your baby's brain that control hand-eye coordination, hearing, language, smell, and the ability to recognize objects are developing now. That's why your baby often turns toward you and starts gurgling when he hears your voice — he's making a connection. Talk and read to him often; it's the best way to spark his communication skills, even if he can't understand what you're saying just yet.