sexta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2007

Fotografia: entrevista com Tatiana Cardeal

"Sometimes I call my photography “social photography,” not only because of the social documentation issues, but because of the consequences and possible social changes that evolve from this use of communication. It happens on different levels; my photos can be interpreted as a denunciation, a call for action, a protest, a petition, a campaign, or just as educational information. But the intention of my projects, and probably the most important aspect of what I seek, is focused on social development by opening minds, hearts and eyes and sensitize them to social inequalities and human spirituality".
Sou fã da Tatiana Cardeal e me sinto honrado em ser seu amigo. Gente boníssima, de grande sensibilidade, ela coloca a alma em tudo o que faz. E assim tem feito com a fotografia social, à qual se dedica desde 2003, em especial documentando os indígenas brasileiros - já mostrei várias fotos dela aqui. Nesta ótima entrevista (em inglês) ao site Living in Peru, Tati conta sobre seus projetos, motivações e experiências.
I´m a fan of Tatiana Cardeal, and honoured to be her friend. Excellent person, gifted with great sensibility, she puts her soul in everything she does. So she´s been doing with social photography, her métier since 2003, with enphasis in documenting Brazilian indigenous people - I´ve shown some of her pictures here. In this nice interview (in English) to the site Living in Peru, Tati tells about her projects, motivations and experiences.