quarta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2007

Nove meses, semana 1

Hoje Bruno completa nove meses. Come bem, ensaia as primeiras engatinhadas e de vez em quando ganha umas marcas de aprendizado - há poucos dias caiu de cara no chão e arranhou o nariz. Ele é bastante afetivo com a gente, adora o irmão e dá muita gargalhada. Quando vê algum estranho, às vezes chora. Muito curioso, pega tudo e leva pra boca, o que exige da gente um cuidado redobrado com os objetos perigosos. Semana passada tava num tapete no jardim e comeu terra preta. Outro dia puxou o rabo do gato, que por sorte é muito manso. Babycenter conta mais sobre essa fase:

Your baby may be the most sociable young creature around — until somebody unfamiliar comes near. Many babies this age have begun to show signs of fear or shyness around strangers. Some even start withdrawing from familiar relatives and friends, and want to be close to no one but you. This phase can be so brief you barely notice it, or it may last for months, depending on your child's temperament.

Help your baby learn to be comfortable in the company of strangers by increasing her exposure to people she doesn't know. Caution these folks not to inject themselves into her space too forcefully: They're apt to be better accepted if they proceed slowly, not even seeming to pay her too much attention at first. Then they can smile at your baby from a distance or offer an interesting toy, while she is seated in the familiar safe harbor of your lap. As your baby becomes accustomed to a stranger's presence, she may very well warm up and start acting like her usual charming self again.